Election Information

Upcoming Elections

City of Lenexa Special Mail Ballot Election

The City of Lenexa is holding a special mail ballot election on Tuesday, April 1, 2025. All City of Lenexa voters who are registered at least 30-days prior to the election will automatically receive a ballot in the mail, starting on Wednesday, March 12, 2025.

The special election addresses whether to renew an existing 3/8-cent City Sales Tax dedicated to:

  • Funding street infrastructure improvements including the maintenance and rebuilding of roads, sidewalks, storm water facilities, and street lighting; and
  • Developing and maintaining park and recreation facilities, including trails, parks, and playgrounds.

For more information about the City of Lenexa special election, click here.

Local Elections

The 2025 local elections will include races for City Councils, local Boards of Education, Johnson County Community College Board of Trustees, and the Water District #1 of Johnson County. A complete list of races and candidates will be posted closer to elections.

The 2025 primary election will take place on August 5 and the general election on November 4. Important election dates to remember, such as the last day to register to vote and when advance voting begins, will be updated closer to the elections.

Want to learn more about the candidates?  A nonpartisan online candidate profile guide will be posted ahead of the elections at www.VoteJoCo.comAs a service to chamber members and the public, area chambers of commerce collaborate to create this resource of self-completed candidate questionnaires and videos from chamber candidate forums where voters can learn about candidates’ backgrounds and vision for elected office.

General Information

For election-related information or questions, visit the Johnson County Election Office website at www.jocoelection.org or call 913-715-6800.

The website includes information about registering and registration requirements, upcoming and past elections, candidates, voting and advance voting, district maps, voting data, serving as a poll worker, and more.

Voter Registration

Voter registration closes (21) days prior to each election.  You may register to vote at any time, but if a voter registration application is received after the deadline the voter is registered only for succeeding elections.

You must also re-register each time you change your name, address, or party affiliation.

You can find registration information on the Johnson County Election Office website. If you would like to register online, the Kansas Department of Revenue also hosts an online voter registration site that automatically verifies voter eligibility at https://www.kdor.ks.gov/apps/voterreg.

Advance Voting

Advance voting by mail begins 20 days prior to any election, and advance voting in person begins shortly after that.  Anyone may vote in advance — you do not need an excuse to vote early! Vote when and where it is most convenient for you.

You can find advance voting information on the Johnson County Election Office website.

Your Ballot

For information about your registration status and to view your sample ballot ahead of an election, visit the Kansas Secretary of State’s VoterView resource at https://myvoteinfo.voteks.org/VoterView. Use your sample ballot to research the candidates for which you’ll be voting!

Candidate Information

As a service to our member businesses and to the community, the Lenexa Chamber of Commerce collaborates with other area chambers to compile an online guide containing self-completed profiles from candidates for most local, state, and national elections, along with videos from chamber candidate forums, where you can learn about the candidates’ backgrounds and vision for elected office. The guide also includes approved wording for any ballot issues being submitted to voters.

Visit the guide at www.VoteJoCo.com.