As a member of the Lenexa Chamber of Commerce you realize how important membership is for your business and for this organization.  Your membership investment is not only an investment in your business but an investment in our community to keep Lenexa on the move.  We invite you to help us grow our membership by encouraging other companies who are based in Lenexa or who do business in our community to become members!

Is your attorney, your accountant, your hair stylist, your plumber, your veterinarian, your place of worship, etc, a member of the Lenexa Chamber?  If not, ask them to join!  You probably spend a lot of your income with them each year and they should be pleased to hear from you.  Take a look at the Personal Prospecting List for other ideas of who to invite to become a member! If you are not sure if a company is already a member of the chamber please check our online membership directory.

We are offering new members $100+ in incentives to join during the drive. During the Membership Drive memberships will be extended from 12 months to a renewal date of January 2019! That’s 14 months of membership for the 12-month investment amount! A value of at least $60 !Be sure to tell them about it!

Are you ready to help grow our membership to keep Lenexa on the move and earn some cash?  View the Tips For Recruiting New Members and you are on your way!  Be sure to check out the other links below also!

Upcoming Membership Drive Events – Please plan to attend!:
Wednesday, Nov 15, 11:30 am
Membership Drive ‘Progress Report’ at Membership Luncheon
Sheraton Overland Park
Recruiting Rewards Presented

Wednesday, Nov 22, noon
Deadline for all applications with payment to be turned into chamber office

Tuesday, Nov 28, 5:00 – 6:00 pm – Team Members Only
Membership Drive ‘End of Drive Celebration’
Ignite Wood Fire Grill
Complimentary drinks & appetizers
Recruiting Rewards Presented


Please contact Sarah Dietz at the Lenexa Chamber at 913-888-1414 or with any question or comments.